Capital Markets Financing
Debt Instruments
Loan Syndications
CHARABANC is an administrative agent for syndicated loan transactions for borrowers and lessees in small, medium, and large ticket markets. With a close understanding of your business, we will structure a customized solution, completed through our network of regional banks, industrial finance companies, and independent leasing companies.
Our services can be advantageous to borrowers for several reasons:
Practical, efficient means of accessing large pools of committed credit
Reduces the time-consuming and administratively burdensome process of negotiating multiple transactions.
Provides options for funding that are strategic, exclusive, and comprehensive.
We can devise a successful syndication strategy (including credit structure, terms, and pricing), regardless of the amount and transaction complexity, to help you streamline and simplify your access to capital.
We facilitate many types of credit facilities, including:
Term Loans—Secured and Unsecured
Acquisition Financing
These credit facilities can provide funding for general corporate purposes, including working capital, capital expenditures, acquisitions, and recapitalization.
CHARABANC works with a variety of large financial institutions and bank leasing companies, including:
Bullets Selling Industry-specific portfolio to create availability
Asset Management
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